I.C.E. Storm takes gold at home tournament
A bit of healthy competition is good for everyone
We want to empower everyone to be the best they can be and make everyone feel welcome to sport
Sports are for everyone and we want to make sure that is known. Everyone is welcome to play and everyone is included
Being based in Bridgewater NS, The LCLC Clearwater Arena has been our home since 2016
Date Time Group
9-Feb. 5-6 pm HP (canceled)
16-Feb 4-5 pm TIER 1 / PEI TOURNAMENT
23-Feb. 4-5 pm TIER 1
23-Feb. 5-6 pm HP
2-Mar. 4-5 pm TIER 1
9-Mar. 4-5 pm TIER 1
9-Mar. 5-6 pm HP
16-Mar. 4-6 pm HP CB PREP
30-Mar. 4-6 pm FULL GROUP
You can shoot us a message in whatever way is easiest for you, Facebook, email, or text and let us know of your interest. Then all you need to do to join is show up to one of our TIER 1 practices an hour before the start time and we will get you all set up.
All ages and abilities are welcome, Noone is excluded!
Happy to hear from you! Hope to see you on the ice!
Send completed forms to clarioneditor@hotmail.com
Or bring it to the next Practice date @ the LCLC
SSIS Tournament 2023/24
P.E.I. Tournament 2023/24
Cape Breton Tournament 2023/24 Gold Medal
U19 Provincial team
Fredericton 2022/23
PEI 2022/23
Cape Breton 2022/23
Follow us to watch our livestreams
Our fans are a real part of our team. Send us a message to cheer us on, or ask us a question about our training. We look forward to hearing from you, and we will get back to you soon.